Decommodification of the People 

Our society is been boiled to that of buyers and sellers. As a result, many of the things that once held an intrinsic value because of their craftsmanship or value in culture have been erased in an effort to create more to sell faster.   Quick fashion, processed food, privatization of healthcare, news and education contribute to the commodification of the soul. It leaves us living in a culture with tons of things but no depth, no sacred aspect beyond the competition of products. A type of mediocrity that leaves the soul constantly wanting but never happy has been ushered in through malicious advertising tactics that make the person feel like they lack. Through, disrespecting our personal information and the utilization of strong pro-market algorithms, our own autonomy has been quietly fractured. Even worse, this has led to a work life balance, based on consuming products and spending our time in offices or factories. Leaving the precious pillars of civil life behind. Family, community, culture, youth, adulthood, left as shallow vestiges of what they once were. This is important because, it is important we as a culture are working toward something always. Goals invested in community, family, etc are goals that give meaning to life. Whereas goals invested in fleeting schemes and themes is a way of wasting life on the meaningless. The Workers Recoup Party aims at restoring access to organic versions of these institutions as a way of lifting the veil of consumerism. This would evolve again with influential PSAs and through implementing stiffer regulations on big companies that exploit our information  so that it can be used against us in the market in a way that almost circumvents our free will.