Mission Statement

The following outlines what the Workers Re-Coup Mission Statement/Agenda is. It is important to note, that these initiatives are broad. We are using the space created by our party to think, discuss, and grow these ideas into tangible and implementable policy. 

  1. Create national standards that are accessible, free and integrated as main functions of our society. Specifically, standardize education and healthcare above all else. It is important to note that these implementations would not prevent the accessibility to private institutions but presents a form of education and healthcare that is free and comprehensive for those that can not afford the more customized forms of education or healthcare. 

  2. Empower labor forces by reinvigorating labor unions throughout the country. In addition, remove alienation of labor as a practice used by capitalists to make labor interchangeable and focus on developing workflows that incorporate complex skills and valued professionals. Finally, localizing workforces and products so that they contribute to more self-sustainable communities, subsequently empowering the labor as active agents of change and participation. 

  3. Work to understand our environmental and global crises in their complexities. Accepting our roles regarding environmental degradation and foreign espionage in an effort begin to mend national wounds and offer pragmatic aid for improvement. 

    1. Analyzing our predatory lending habits, working to erase unmanageable debt built up from impractical deals with the global south. 

    2. Valuing environmental agents for their actual worth by inventing and integrating a system for analyzing natural resources worth that goes beyond the monetary market value, and accounts for the “externalities." i.e a forests worth for preceding generations as a element factored into market value.

  4. Address the delusion of modernity as an era of achievement through research and campaigns targeted at exposing the in-balance of wealth and resource management that modernity has actually created. 

  5. Create innovative policies and subsidies that motivate; local community projects promoting self-sustainability i.e community gardens, multiple family housing units, localized social institutions, localized economy based incentives, food sovereignty, etc.  

  6. Creating a less consumer-based society 

    1. End the over-liberalization of the market by building a system of checks and balances for businesses. This system’s foundation would be motivated by protecting citizens and calling for accountability from businesses. 
  7. Reshape the political landscape so that it is more democratic. I.e end political lobbying,  evaluate term limits, eliminate voting restrictions 

  8. Address the delusion of infinite growth on a finite planet in order to re-center our gaze not on GDP but on a handful of of social markers as markers of progress.