Delusion of Modernity

As we ventured into industrialization, the goal became modernity; a be-all end-all age where poverty, war, hunger, and disease, would be quelled. It was the quest for Utopia. This system started its journey after World War 2, with the implementation of Keynesian Economic strategies. In short, these economic ideas and policies were put into place so that the market could be manipulated in order to avoid economic depressions like the one that crippled Germany and led to the devastating carnage of World War 2. In other terms it was a key piece of the Genova convention in terms of establishing a economic strategy based on the dollar and global security. Its inception and creator were of course pure in their idea but eventually the core ideas of this philosophy were abandoned in the name of competition and ultimately greed. Taking major blows with the erasure of the gold standard and continuing with ideas that promoted global competition instead of synchronization. Since the 50's we have instead been moving into an era of neoliberalism, which actively works again social programs and instead prides itself on the strength of the individual and freedom of business practices. This current system still prides itself as one that promotes freedom, and markets itself as the righteous way to promote individual freedoms by allowing for competition, but in reality it takes away freedom by forcing one to work more of their life than live and rewards freedoms to business allowing them to get away with more and more exploitative practices. Essentially, the "freedom" being toted is mostly enjoyed by business not people. Apart of the Workers Recoup Party is dedicated to calling out this delusion that we are somehow better of than we were 100 years ago in terms of ending poverty, building the middle class, or ending hunger. In fact we are worse. Wealth is more concentrated than before and and people are working longer for less. This does not have to be the case, and the reason it is, is because in reality this system is not one for the people but one that  entraps people for the betterment of business. Further this system is leading to privatization of everything, and therefore the commodification of everything, leaving no sanctity in certain institutions like education or healthcare. All of this under the veil that there will be more options because of competition, when in reality there are now very few options for our most desperate and tons of options of the wealthy. We must work at creating a options for the many before we tote our vast collection of opportunities for the rich.