The Environment, Righting our Wrongs. 

In order for us to create a future at all we need to be honest about the existential threats we face. Specifically, the environmental issues and other global crisis we've had a role in creating need to be addressed in a comprehensive and honest way. Many of the initiatives we see today being touted as the green solutions are benched in  capitalistic theory and ultimately don't do enough to help the environment. Many of these "solutions" are in fact a veil for big-business to continue business as usual while at the same time appearing empathetic and proactive for the cause. Environmental awareness and initiatives that call us to start sacrificing some of our more excessive habits need a formidable place in our public forums and politics.    We need to begin approaching this crisis with the appropriate lexicon, one that stresses the dire situation with urgency and accuracy. Further we need to start looking at the global migration issues and take responsibility for our role in creating turmoil and unfair economic states abroad because these issues ultimately expedite ecological degradation. Through predatory lending habits employed by our banks, many countries in the global south found themselves unable to pay as the dollar inflated, leaving developing countries vulnerable to extreme inflation. Instead of being able to commit bankruptcy (like anyone borrowing money from a bank in the US,) these countries were ordered via the US  to pay that money back at all costs, and if they couldn't they had to partake in Structural Readjustment; a practice that forced foreign governments to open their economies to foreign business and cut welfare programs. As a result many exploitative businesses like logging, petrol, water companies, etc were owned by the global north, funneling profits from key sectors out of that country, devaluing labor, and  expediting land degradation. Many countries in the global south are still trying to work under this debt and these policies forcing them deeper and deeper in to debt leaving them helpless when it comes to taking care of their populous and their environment. In order for us to right the environmental wrongs committed and the migration crisis, we need to analyze this debt and come up with ways that lift the responsibility off of these countries and restore autonomy in key sectors of development. The environmental crisis and migration crisis are tied to one another in many intricate ways, that will be discussed and recorded further in this group but it is important to finish with the main point, we have a obligation to right our social and environmental wrongs if we want to fix the global existential threats. 

Lastly in addition to acknowledgment of the environment, the raw products it produces need to start being valued not just for their determined market value, which in this current age can be very easily controlled by monopoly like operations, but for their "externalities" as well. This means that a forests value before being opened up to logging companies must be determined by its current impact on the local environment and communities. An example of this can be the Amazon, when you factor in the connectedness that the Amazons have to the world and its air, cutting it down for pennies on the dollar seem ludacris. Same with our oceans and fish, we need to start looking at the value of these as they exist on a global scale and social scale so that we can force companies to pay for what they are actually taking.