Standards that Respect Plurality

We have come to a point in the evolution of our world where we as humans are so interconnected through travel and technology. Our interconnectedness has allowed us to create a global pulse that is collective. A virus in China can spread to  U. S in a matter of days, and an idea posted in Iran can inspire global attention and change. For this reason, certain institutions should be ubiquitous and accessible because they help us address global and domestic issues as collective front. As our problems become more ubiquitous, having this collective voice is vital. Specifically, healthcare and education are the institutions that need to be addressed. By creating standardized points of accessibility, it is easier to fight a global or national issues. I.e by making certain parts of healthcare free, people will be more motivated to include the doctor as an active agent in their life. This allows us to be proactive when fighting disease, understanding certain ailments more comprehensively  and can help stave off global crises. 

Education too, more in a national way than global, is in need of a standard curriculum. As of now our country doesn't have a federal curriculum, meaning that, what is taught in states public schools is determined by the states. This fits with out independent spirit but as our world evolves and certain realities must be accepted and learned about there becomes room for, in addition to the states curriculum, for a federal curriculum that cements certain facts at the heart of our national identity. For example, the world is facing an environmental crises, regardless, certain states have decided against teaching about these realities, ultimately  generating polarized factions, dramatically slowing the quest for solutions and the implementation of them.  Certain things in our history should be commonplace in our schools, i.e our involvement in the slave trade, or certain figureheads of change, etc should be common pillars of knowledge, allowing all of us to start at the same place of understanding and critically think from there. 

It is important to stress that this curriculum and the pedagogy behind it would evolve in an eclectic democratic forum. In addition, this curriculum would be under constant review as our world and its understandings change all the time. Lastly, often times in the debate regarding the value of a standardized curriculum our current political parties have accused the opposing sides of trying to craft this curriculum in favor of a certain party. This can be avoided and should not be a fear especially because this curriculum must be developed outside of the political halls and be developed by our top educators, parents, students, historians, etc. The other important note here is that this Standard is designed as a method to instill certain truths within our national identity. This does not mean that state curriculum or colloquial ideas are being stamped out, but rather that they must live next to one another. This is important because the underlying ideas of the philosophy that govern the Workers Re-Coup party revolves around respecting plurality of education and lifestyle. Still, as a entity organized as a nation we have the responsibility to one another to make sure that no matter where you are in the states, critical debate and education are pillars of our civil discourse.